Lizann Flatt
Author of Flatt-out Fantastic Books for Kids
Author of Flatt-out Fantastic Books for Kids
So there you are, on the first day of spring. You’re taking photos of two of your books to create some seasonal Twitter and Facebook page headers…when the cat saunters by. Think Shadow wanted in on the photo op? I think he stole the show.
Saw this on Twitter:
How might Reggio-inspired practices enhance our math teaching and learning? #BCAMTreggio #reggioplc #bced
— Janice Novakowski (@jnovakowskisd38) February 11, 2015
So fun to discover your books are out there in the wild. I’m honoured they’re being used in this way.
Loved seeing a tweet from my publisher today that our book series is at a great conference for teachers:
@owlkids #RFTLOI featuring Math in Nature series for primary grades @LizannFlatt @ashley__barron
— Judy Brunsek (@JudyBrunsek) February 9, 2015
It’s so amazing to see my books translated into Turkish. Thanks so much to OwlKids and Arkadas Publishing!