Silence, Spring, and Saskatchewan

My name badge from the TD Book Week kick off party.

I really must quit putting all sorts of other things ahead of blogging. I like blogging, I really do. But sometimes I obsess too much over what to say. So much so that I’m often paralyzed with indecision and then just end up saying nothing. Bad, no?

So I’m going to try to kick that and, in the next few days, blog about my awesome trip earlier this spring for Canadian Children’s Book Week 2013! I was honoured to be chosen to talk to many children in communities across northern Saskatchewan about “Sorting through Spring” as well as my other books.

Blogging preparations are underway! I promise.

© Lizann Flatt,
No part of this blog may be used without written permission from the author.
By Lizann Flatt

Author of Flatt-out Fantastic Books for Kids